Jürgen Reble - Films

For the films from 1983-1989 please look at www.schmelzdahin.de

Rumpelstilzchen (1989)

Conversion of simple elements to gold...

Passion (1990)

Film diary imagery build a near abstract, hypnotic landscape...

Das goldene Tor (1992)

The road which leads to the light passes through the shadows...

Ein bewährter Partner (1993)

An educational film about computer language was reworked...

Instabile Materie (1995)

A visual expedition into the world of matter...

Chicago (1996)

This film was provoked by a trip on the overhead railway through Chicago...

Zillertal (1997)

An old 35mm trailer had been in the trees of a garden for months...

Arktis (2004)

Arktis is a poetic approach to the bizarre landscape of the arctic ocean...

Yamanote Lightblast (2006)

Shots from the Yamanote train surrounding the city of Tokyo...

Zagreb Tram Station (2009)

Passers-by at a tram station in Zagreb come into collusion with traces of processing...

Materia Obscura (2009)

Elaboration of "Instabile Materie" with the aid of a computer...

Tabula Smaragdina (1996-2010)

Inside the chemical elements of the film appears the bizarre richness of its materiality...

Liquid Movements (2011)

Some documentary material shot in the surroundings of Bonn is superimposed with found footage from Timbuktu...

Das Schöpfwerk (2013)

Around a water scoop are ordered images of old, expressionistic films and...

Chemical Intervention in Film History

Early film apparatus and a chemical mix lead to hallucinating states...